Design Tribe: Cece Peniston
This Design Tribe blog is a place where I celebrate strong women, those who inspire other women to be grounded,...

An Invitation to Share Magic at Fashion Institute of Technology
Before I got involved in black tie challenges with hints of [innocent] mischief, I kicked off my recent "7 cities...

Design Tribe: East Coast Hearts West Coast
View this post on Instagram When a customer gives you a gift like this it’s either a warning or a...

A Tribe of Wellness Shares
I've decided to celebrate wellness this summer. And you know how they say misery loves company... teehee! #kiddingnotkidding ...

Design Tribe: Operation Black Tie
Gentle Reader, do not try this at home. This is a story about adventure on a rainy Saturday night in...

Let Stars Light Your Way On Your Journey
Always around the holidays I am in NYC for appts, in store appearances, and other work type engagements. I...

Heroic House Beautiful
Detective Laurel and I are unlikely buddies at first glance. We have been buddies for over 10 years and it...
Design Tribe: Jaye Anna Mize
Hello Beauty! As you know the wind blows me all around to different adventures and it’s not often I am...